Exemplar lucri semper ex repetitione actionum Templariorum

With the assets and funding provided solely by its regents, Extemplar University replicated, modernized, and computerized the technology from the most productive and peaceful, ancient and medieval time periods, when the greatest gains in the history of the world occurred.  Equally important, reinstituting Extemplar's money, mechanisms, and  methods simultaneously eliminates the greatest, most devastating, and spiraling decline in world history. In other words, "Pragmatic application of Extemplar's technology solves every problem on earth today and prevents reoccurrence in the future."

Not only can Extemplar's leaders solve world problems by themselves, we can do it in harmony, without expense to anyone, retrieve stolen assets/wealth without violence or retaliation, and primarily most important, Extemplar is set up to teach and equip individual people and their peers to solve these world problems, as well as their own, for a weighty personal gain.  This collective list of unresolved world problems serves as a guideline to plan Extemplar's operations, helps us allocate assets to solve them, then obtain the personal gains for the individuals/organizations that implement and monitor each autonomous operation:

Patonce Cross
(a.k.a. Patonic Cross, Goosefoot Cross, Forensic Cross)

"Gloriosus mundi rotundi architector monarcha supremus!"
"The supreme monarch, the glorious architect of the world round!"
Jesus Christus, Author

The list of problems/solutions in endless and will grow larger if we attempt to solve problems inordinately.  Be sure to discuss problems and solutions with us before beginning an operation. It is prudent to keep quiet about problems/solutions until your campaign is ready to avoid retaliation, cover ups, and extended delays when the problem was caused, and/or is perpetuated, is caused by criminal activity.

  • 100% safe regenerative funding meant for Leibniz Institute for Financial Research, SAFE

  • Reunification of police, 28 USA Cantons by retrieving and funding the BureauOf JusticeAndPolice.Us under the current administration

  • The WhollySee.Us supplement for the Holy See ledgers;  CouncilOfJusticeAndPeace.Us supplement for Vatican Council for Justice And Peace,

  • The monetary system of Holy Roman Catholic Church (Original Zins) transcending to all churches & synagogues.

  • AAnti-Christian finance & lease remedies, conversions with gains, and fixes for debased coinage systems world wide

  • CauseIQ.com school systems, granular elimination of student debt with retroactive repayment of paid loans throughout time.

  • Clear cutting, destruction & concealment of bio-fuel, widespread violations of Privilegium Minus, Hebrew Civilization, Dogma, SA.gov,

  • A misconception USA government is reliant on energy, tax, and income from criminal business activity +/or stolen companies and currencies

  • Criminal cookies, Mass misuse of communication systems including spam, robo calls, internet attacks.

  • The overall solution for heritage hijacking, human trafficking, id theft, more...

  • Christian finance is the only mechanism that can enforce the Will of Jesus Christ, which is to form Sovereign.Earth. This is written in both the supreme and executive OrderOfChrist.Us. 

Christian finance solves problems at the street-level, which causes team-building, granular solvency, and a sustained form of self-government wherein each individual always 'does the right thing' in every situation to keep their position in the life-giving Christian finance architecture.  To exemplify the power of individuality, space is provided to enter personal problems so we can reply with a solution.

Close the short-list of problems/solutions Inset

Everyone on earth today and those who died during the past 321-years, have taken part in the downfall and suffrage, therefore, each person alive, and those yet to be born must take part in the upswing and gains for the operations to be successful.

, which amounts to a percentage of the recovered wealth that is named in the bible and several books listed in the authentic biography of Jesus Christus. Extemplar's operations make every United Nation, and each person in it, an autonomous entity.


Invitation only a

Individually, your first great-gain comes from the fact there is no cost to enroll and attend Extemplar, a private university, which saves over $200,000.00 for you while providing a unique education not taught in any college.  Second, students, alumni and faculty are paid full wages, earning while learning, as an ex,tern or intern in the career of their choice from the fields below.Individually, your first great-gain comes from the fact there is no cost to enroll and attend Extemplar, a private university, which saves over $200,000.00 for you while providing a unique education not taught in any college.  Second, students, alumni and faculty are paid full wages, earning while learning, as an extern or intern in the career of their choice from the fields below. ost to enroll and attend Extemplar, a private university, which saves over $200,000.00 for you while providing a unique education not taught in any college.  Second, students, alumni and faculty are paid full wages, earning while learning, as an extern or intern in the career of their choice from the fields below. ost to enroll and attend Extemplar, a private university, which saves over $200,000.00 for you while providing a unique education not taught in any college.  Second, students, alumni and faculty are paid full wages, earning while learning, as an extern or intern in the career of their choice from the fields below. ost to enroll and attend Extemplar, a private university, which saves over $200,000.00 for you while providing a unique education not taught in any college.  Second, students, alumni and faculty are paid full wages, earning while learning, as an extern or intern in the career of their choice from the fields below. ost to enroll and attend Extemplar, a private university, which saves over $200,000.00 for you while providing a unique education not taught in any college.  Second, students, alumni and faculty are paid full wages, earning while learning, as an extern or intern in the career of their choice from the fields below.


Individual - Granular Gain, exponential growth,  Our name is a contraction formed from the words "exemplary", and "temporal" with direct reference to the liturgy of the Knights Templar and their art of "templing" problems.

Their application of ancient technology solved every problem on earth from BC to AD, which were almost identical (and caused by the same reasons) to the problems of today.





Extemplar University website (edu.Extemplar.Us) is being updated, upgraded, up-fitted, and protected as of 09/19/2024.  

We are incorporating recently recovered vital information,  ineradicable automation of ancient technology, new patents/assets, an operations platform with several observation & operation decks, and unlimited funding into the syllabus so students, faculty, regents, and staff are able to solve more problems, achieve more U.N. SDG's, and fulfill more Supreme & Executive Orders more quickly. 

In so doing, an estimated 103 million jobs will be created worldwide, so the list of positions and pay will be updated as well.  Remember you chose

Simultaneously, the domain of Exemplar's Bureau of Justice, Peace & Police is expanded universally (uni-pol.us) to protect the assets, the ecology, economy, and the global citizenry from a long-running, international organized crime ring based in North America [while we dismantle them.]


Heads Up! A new nonprofit school of higher education is born charging no tuition, paying full wages and benefits to the students. Extemplar University is endowed with unique curricula developed by ESP Technologies World Corporation for the most lucrative segment of the world's largest consumer finance business. The syllabus was created after more than forty-years of producing training and procedures for the world's largest banks, corporations and some federal court systems. From the first day participants are employed online in their own duly registered franchise-like company. They are paid full wages so they can enjoy life while they earn and learn simultaneously. Educators are compensated similarly under an oversight board, so the more their students learn, the more they earn.

Instead of being burdened with a student loan, graduates emerge with their education, earnings, a wholly owned stock-bearing corporation containing a significant short-cycle repeat business portfolio in a wide-open field with no competition. They have royalties, loyal staff and benefits including a locked-in retirement account. There are no age limits, or time-constraints. With teacher and parental/guardian consent, even a secondary school student is enabled to enroll and complete four-years of college education in as little as eighteen-months. Extemplar encourages infirm, disabled, and especially elder applications for enrollment, usually through a foundation, State, or S&D agency.

The first thing to learn is certain industries like ours flourish in a bad economy because they save so much money for the government, individual, household, and corporate consumers. The worse the economy, the bigger the opportunity and the better the success. Students learn life, money, law, leasing, and crime run in a circle. The economy is round and revolves like the Earth. There is always a reason, usually a purposeful cause, for economic chaos and there is always a solution bearing opportunity of titanic proportion. This is it. The solution belongs to the public in whole, with those that implement it benefiting first and foremost.

Second, fair, level-yield leasing of depreciating-assets has been the foundation of every civilization throughout history and is a vital component of every other industry worldwide today. Can you think of any part of court, business, or government  not involved with some form of leasing? The USA cannot repair itself as a nation, survive the impending financial crises, much less succeed, without fair leasing. Motor vehicle leasing – cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, planes, rv's, included – is by far the most lucrative segment of the industry with daily volume over three-times the amount of real-estate mortgages. There has never been more opportunity than today, especially for pre-owned orthodox vehicle leasing systems©. Consequently, a start in motor-vehicle leasing gains the insight to make intelligent decisions and the money to pay for education/licensing elsewhere to be whatever you decide to be.

Third, students are guaranteed full wages between $48,000 and $410,000 per year, minus withholding taxes, as they go through and learn forty-some relative positions. Not one job, or any task in it, causes in-person contact, nor requires the scholar to leave their workstation. And, nothing in the curriculum has anything to do with motor vehicle sales. Your life is your business at Extemplar University. All decisions to stay, move forward, or change course are completely up to you. Extemplar is the real description of freedom-of-choice and financial freedom.

Fourth, in a psychotic economy like this devoid of fair leasing, it is of importance students, graduates, and the University remain self-sufficient, self-protected, and self-funded to avoid outside influence, until government, courts, and law-enforcement agencies are repaired. Therefore, Extemplar University has joined a business league 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization as the sole educator in exchange for these provisions. The sole benefactor of the University is the Fair Vehicle Leasing Association, Inc. and the sole beneficiary on dissolution is Corporate Crime Fighters Organization, a Washington State 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Fifth, Extemplar U is an applicant to the Commissions for Higher Education in the State and for US DOE Distance-Education Accrediting of associate, bachelors, masters, and grandmasters (doctorate) degrees in auto-economics, a subject not taught in any other college. Org to Edu commissioning and accreditation takes years to complete especially in our case because Extemplar University is the precedent in auto economics. The Americas cannot wait for the crucial solutions, so in the meantime Extemplar is offering exactly the same education with graded Certificates of Completion.  The certificates, not degrees, are required to work your way up in the business league. Extemplar will make re-exams available to graduates as soon as government accreditation allows degrees to be issued.

Sixth, the USA constitution, universities, government agencies, humanitarian institutions and foundations, including the International Bill of Human Rights, dictate education, housing, healthcare, and employment must be afforded to all people, but no one has the ways or means to bring these forth. Realization of the American Dream is enabled by Ex-U Extensions, which is a porting of the syllabus, Essential Technology©, and funding to approved universities for disbursement worldwide so they get full benefit including weighty, sustained income for administering the curricula, continuing education, and performing fiduciary services.

Seventh, people learn quickly through practical application in the real world, and we learn best by teaching others, but only if we are paid to do it. Extemplar has no debt or liabilities. Operational and administration costs are negligible. The University thrives on the commerce it creates, so it accepts no tuition, no donations, no grants, or any outside funding whatsoever after the start-up. Perpetuity of “self-funding” for the students commercial activities is sustained through handling an endowment of eighty million private equity shares, recently approved for escrow by Continental Stock Transfer & Trust. The stock is to be liquefied, and leveraged by the Extemplar University participants. Master scholars are taught to place $billions in securities where they do the most good, nurture the value under law, and harvest the returns under supervision for their use as the stock value grows, which also pays for their education. The securities-plan provides orthodox lease-funding for the business-life of more than one million alums when used as collateral to guarantee return-on-investment for national banks, credit unions, and other fair lessors in the business league – who are also mostly owned and operated by Extemplar University graduates.

The good life begins with practical application of fair, level-yield used-vehicle leasing, which can only be done with the ESP technology©. Students have no competition, even among themselves.  Students and graduates serving the nation from the comfort of their Internet computer are much appreciated for providing fleet savings of no less than 40%, while providing the best financial income on Earth to the lease-lenders and an otherwise unattainable income to the delivering dealerships. And a good, long, safe life it is... the oldest elder is still with us today at 99 years old.

Students will learn: Practical Application of Fair Leasing; Orthodox Online Business Administration; Industry Oversight Protection & Compliance; Securities, Escrow, Liquefying & Leveraging; History of Life, Money, Law & Leasing; Cyber-Crime Detection, Prevention, Prosecution; Online Lease Administration; Bridge & Gate Electors' College; Government Regulation & Lobbying for Reform; and Ultra-High-Tech Software Engineering.

From these positions:

Extemplar University

  • Trustee/Director
  • Officers (Pres, Treas, Sec)
  • Police
  • Professor
  • Regent
  • Other Staff

Virtual Fleet & Lease Offices©

  • Research Analyst
  • Senior Analyst
  • Daily Operations Manager
  • Auto Financial Adviser
  • Compliance Officer
  • Vehicle Wholesaler
  • Vehicle Remarketer
International Court Systems

ESP Tech World Corp

  • Software Engineer
  • Officers (Pres, Treas, Sec)
  • Securities Manager
  • Law Researchers
  • Lawyers
  • Crime Fighters

Auto Lease Auctions, Inc.

  • Owner/Operator
  • Intake Regulator
  • Compliance Manager
  • Security Officer
  • Transaction Oversight
  • Wholesale Buyers
  • Retail & Whsl Sellers
US Supreme Court Systems

Fair Vehicle Leasing Association

  • FVLA Director
  • State Director
  • Advertising Manager
  • Membership Manager
  • Event Manager
  • Other Staff

Lease-Lender Clearinghouse

  • Intake
  • Insurance Compliance
  • Contract Compliance
  • Vehicle Compliance
  • Funding Officer
  • End-Of-Lease-Team
  • Salvage Manager
Corporate Crime Fighters Org